Superman: The Video Game
I hope all the Internet agrees that these are ideas that can take us in the right direction for a Superman Game, and I understand even that is stretching it thin.
All in all I think if you take the Game play and story templates as designed by Rocksteady Studios in their Arkham Games, there is a recipe for a definitive Superman experience. So here are my ideas for Story, Game play, Bonuses, and Even a suggested cast for this epic.
Story: A
civil War has Broke out in Metropolis. Intergang is fighting itself as 5
Major Figureheads have attempted to take complete control. It's the
Forces of: Lex Luthor, Bruno Mannheim, Livewire, Parasite, and Metallo
at war with each other. It's up to Superman to find and stop them as
they destroy downtown Metropolis.
Theme - Superman isn't a character to be taken lightly, he's as Human as we are when it comes to his psychology. What's unique is his optimism. He always sees the good, and that's the theme, Each villain is there to test Superman's Resolve to see if Superman would ever stop seeing the good. It's a simple theme that gives Players a chance to explore Superman and the Symbol of Hope and Optimism he is. If he can see the good in everyone maybe it can teach players to see the good in everyone as well.
Plot - Clark Kent and Wife, Lois Lane, have been working on a series of Articles attacking intergang, trying to bring the organization down. Tips from various sources point to a struggle inside the Intergang Figure head. Clark and Lois Check this out, and discover a Metallo attacking a Parasite thug. Blowing into a full Fledged Conflict. Lois takes notes and Pictures, Superman Intervenes and stops the conflict, finding an object that strings together a chain of events that showcase how long and how bad this Civil War has been going on. But When it is found out Superman is getting involved, Thugs begins carrying Kryptonite Ammunition, fatal to all things living.
Theme - Superman isn't a character to be taken lightly, he's as Human as we are when it comes to his psychology. What's unique is his optimism. He always sees the good, and that's the theme, Each villain is there to test Superman's Resolve to see if Superman would ever stop seeing the good. It's a simple theme that gives Players a chance to explore Superman and the Symbol of Hope and Optimism he is. If he can see the good in everyone maybe it can teach players to see the good in everyone as well.
Plot - Clark Kent and Wife, Lois Lane, have been working on a series of Articles attacking intergang, trying to bring the organization down. Tips from various sources point to a struggle inside the Intergang Figure head. Clark and Lois Check this out, and discover a Metallo attacking a Parasite thug. Blowing into a full Fledged Conflict. Lois takes notes and Pictures, Superman Intervenes and stops the conflict, finding an object that strings together a chain of events that showcase how long and how bad this Civil War has been going on. But When it is found out Superman is getting involved, Thugs begins carrying Kryptonite Ammunition, fatal to all things living.
Main Quest:
Superman Must stop the Intergang war. It's starting to rack up too much
collateral damage. While also using compounded evidence Superman has to
try and bring each member down, with proof of connection to intergang
and proof of the intergang civil war. Seeing the darkness in theses
villains tests Superman's Resolve to see the good in people and to help
turn them around. Superman Must face the dark truth that some villains
can never be redeemed and must choose to continue to see the good, or
accept the soulless monsters he faces are unable to change for the
better. The Main Quest/Storyline should be Chapters separated into 6
"Chapter One" - Clark and Lois receive the anonymous tip to check out an "Unlisted Lexcorp Warehouse", A stealth mission, where players as Clark investigate the warehouse, trying not to be discovered. Covering the ground of 3 large buildings in multiple rooms. Looking for evidence of Intergang's leaders - showcases Metallo executing a Parasite Minion for ripping his boys off. This conflict leads to Superman approaching and confronting Metallo, Saving the thug only to get information about an oncoming war Among Intergang Members.
"Chapter Two" - Superman has to track down Bruno Mannheim, who is the easiest Intergang Figureheads to track down. Located at Mannheim's club "Moxxy". Uncovering an underground casino, Mannheim escapes the clutches of Superman via Motherbox to Apokolips. - Cutscenes Show Mannheim consulting with Kalibak, referencing Darkseid and him having a deal to help Control all Crime in order to help Turn the Earth over to Darkseid. Kalibak agrees to help, assisting by giving Mannheim a horde of Parademons.
"Chapter Three" - Setting has changed in Metropolis, Parademons rove the streets in secret watching out for Superman. Superman, with No lead to Mannheim, Superman has to confront Luthor on the Warehouse. Superman has to systematically go through a Lexcorp Factory, facing different stages of Enemies. Getting knocked out towards the end. Lex has kidnapped Superman, with a golden Opportunity to kill Superman, Lex relinquishes as he needs Superman's Help taking down other Intergang members in order for he Himself to gain control, Superman refuses while Lex points out Superman will whether he wants to or not.
"Chapter Four" - Superman wakes up, a clue from the same source that dropped the tip on the warehouse on where to Find Parasite. Pointing out Parasite has been controlling the organizations Illegal Sex trade {with Parasite getting some on the side to feed}. Superman has to enter and investigate 3 Different Cargo liners to Find Parasite confronting the New array of Thugs. Parasite Escapes, almost as Usual. Thanks to the help of Atomic Skull. In a glorious Boss Battle Superman has to take down Atomic Skull, who squeals that Parasite is seeing Livewire on the Side.
"Chapter Five" - Superman has to investigate Livewire's Whereabouts. Players take control of Clark, as they search the city for different leads, finding out where Livewire is With Lois Lane's guidance.
"Chapter Six" - Superman speaks with Luthor, on the Livewire drug. Lex explains she had forced Scientist to create it, and give Superman a List of different scientist who know how to cure the addiction. Superman has to go confront the Several different Drug dens and force the Scientist to create an anti-addictive property to help the people addicted to Livewire. Finding Livewire's Domain at an underground domain. Livewire Reveals she hasn't seen Parasite, Superman battles and takes her down.
"Chapter Seven" - Parasite thugs begin causing mass panic along all manner of Livewire thugs, causing several super-riots. Superman has to stop each one of them before being told Parasite's Location at a Hydro-electric plant Where Superman Battles Parasite.
"Chapter Eight" - Parasite and Livewire Down, Superman is tipped off by the mysterious source once again as to where Mannheim's Parademon Army will Attack allowing Superman finds a way to track him down at an abandon Dominatrix Club "Lashina" A multi-layered Club where Superman Battles Parademons, Lashina and Trained Furries, and Finally Steppenwolf. After defeating Steppenwolf Superman demands Mannheim turned over in his Custody - Kalibak attacks Superman in a Boss Battle. With Superman victorious, Kalibak retreats back into the Motherbox to Apokolips and the trail for Mannheim is officially cold.
"Chapter Nine" - The Intergang war grows fiercer, only two sides remain: Metallo and Lex Luthor, with the forces left behind from Livewire and Parasite's forces having to join Metallor or Lex Luthor. Together the Forces start riots and shoot outs in Crime-In-Progress sub-missions. Superman has to battle out the Metallo faction, hitting different Clubs and Factories before finding Metallo's Lair at a Scrapyard. There Superman Battles through and takes on Metallo in a Boss Battle. Finding a Clue, this time With Lex's Name on it Superman Deduces that Lex had orchestrated the entire Plot to take control of all Intergang activity.
"Chapter Ten" - Superman Seiges at all Lexcorp affiliated buidlings, tearing down Lex's Criminal empire before confronting him at Lexcorp. Facing Lex and his Monsterous Doomsday Thugs Superman battles them to a glorious fight that leads to the top of the Lexcorp Building. The Full boss Battle comes in 2-Parts Where Superman Battles Lex in the Armor and Lex, injected with the Doomsday Virus and the Armor. Beating Lex and Causing a violent Chain reaction That tears Lex Apart. Time Freezes!
"Chapter Eleven" - Mxyzptlk comes forward, having applauded Superman for having saved Lex at the end of all this. He comes forth as having been the inspiration for all this chaos and having tipped Superman off at every end to see if Superman would kill them for being evil, or see enough good to let them live. This culminates in a Super-Epic Boss battle Between Superman and Mxyzptlk.
Side Quests: Most, if Not all Side Quest have some sort of Connection to the Daily Planet. From Cold Cases connected to Super Villains, Murder, or Continuing Stories that Lane, Kent, and Olsen would be working on. Such Missions might Include Supervillains. Mxyzptlk is a character all but built for Side Missions. In insane levels bending Superman's Reality, and even taking away his powers in some hypnotically crazy levels. This would allow an element of flare for the game.
"Side Quest 1" - A Document in Metallo's Warehouse leads to a murder, committed by Bruno Manheim, who asked for Metallo to cover it up. With the assistance of some of Metallo's thugs, the body was hidden in mysterious locations. You have to go through a gauntlet of different thugs that have helped dispose of the body so Kent and the Police can pin the Murder on Manheim pending a proper autopsy.
"Side Quest 2" - Mxyzptlk teases Superman with delicate knowledge of the Intergang war, inbetween levels, pending Superman can Solve various puzzles. Leaving only clues as to the true intentions of the war and what is happening.
"Side Quest 3" - Parasite is running a slave trade out of Metropolis Bay, Superman has to find it and rescue the women who've been enslaved by this faction of the Organization, cutting Parasite from a constant "food" supply.
"Side Quest 4" - Luthor is using underhanded resources to build next gen weaponry and sell it on the Black Market. Making a mint from illegal arms deals, Superman has to try and find evidence of this and stop Luthor's general, Mercy Graves.
"Side Quest 5" - Livewire's drug distribution is gaining momentum with a new Drug named after the villain, causing death, homocidal outrages, and various other dangerious Side effects, Superman would have to find a number of distributors, suppliers, then finally attack the building where it's made and destroy the recipe.
Metropolis Landmarks: Areas of the Game that signify that this is certainly Metropolis, and not any other average Superman game.
Daily Planet - Clark's Workplace, a center for attention among the Story as the reporters there are dedicated to getting the truth, whether it means life or death.
Clark and Lois' Apartment - Superman's Home, Where he uses investigative skills as a reporter to connect the web of violence Intergang has caused. Also an area were players could change any bonus costumes.
STAR Labs - A Resourceful scientific reserve that assists Superman with basic Upgrades including enhanced armor to help Superman against enemy attacks and assist Superman in Honing his abilities and learn some creative uses for them.
Lexcorp - Lex Luthors infamous company, where Superman and Lex Have Many antagonizing Meetings, perhaps in game There would be moments where Superman Could Visit and talk to Lex as he stands in his Office.
Supporting Characters: The Main Group of Protagonist Players would be Likely to Interact with.
Clark Kent/Superman - Main character of the game, the Last Son of Krypton. With a Multitude of Powers, Players take control of Superman to stop the Intergang Civil War. On a power scale of the same level as Clark was at the beginning of the New 52 Action Comics Arc, The Superman Animated Series and the John Byrne Man of Steel Reboot in the 1980's.
Lois Lane - Superman is a man of many friends, and certainly Lois Lane would Classically become a very famous Damsel in distress, but when kidnapped and featured in Boss Battles, she would serve as a guide or as a helping handing setting up the proper conditions for Superman to defeat the Enemies. while also investigating various parts of the city and talking to Superman, either directly or through a cell phone {maybe located on Superman's Belt.}
Jimmy Olsen - While Jimmy and His Signal watch would be a way to send the player to the proper Level, when activated, similar to how the Bat-Signal operates for Batman in the Arkham games.
Perry White - Clark's Boss, a figure of advice when Superman comes as Clark. Always one for Concern and to motivate Clark, maybe hint that he knows Clark is Superman.
Dan Turpin - Officer of the MPD, He's the detective Superman contacts to arrest Enemies.
Dr. Emil Hamilton - Emil is the premier scientist at Star Labs, He assists Superman in missions giving him advice on how to defeat certain enemies and what Superman might need to look for.
Enemies: Superman is a nigh-Invulnerable character. We're taking that image and changing it, he's a more human character than most would honestly give credit for. He is going back to the Power scale set for him in both the Animated Series and The John Byrne Man of Steel run. With that In mind it's Understood Superman is Powerful, so while the scale of Power is getting cut back, Enemies are being upgraded so that they pose a threat to Superman. For the Enemies there are going to be 5 Enemy Levels:
Standard: Intergang Thugs, and basic thugs. Their are four sub-classes of the basic enemies:
Shielded Enemies - Enemies who carry various objects to shield them from enemy fire, and attacks, most of them have hyper-technological shields, mostly designed of some type of raw energy at a highly fatal to normal people when hit with a direct charge. Dangerous to Superman at a direct charge or rush. Blunt
Weapon Enemies - Enemies who carry energy rods, lead pipes, or other basic hand held weapons that cause damage. Knife's Lead pipes will break against Superman, While energy rods will stun him and leave him open for attack for a very brief moment and will cause minute health damage.
Projectile Weaponry Enemies - Enemies who carry Kryptonite rounds, that can really hurt or even kill Superman. Most are scatter-shots unless at Point-Blank range. Distance is the best policy, but being that the guns carrying the rounds are lead lined, it allows Superman to get in close to attack them, but it's going to take more than one hit to hurt him, as the faint traces of Kryptonite bring his power down a bit. Still highly dangerous.
Armored Thugs - Thugs with Alien tech or Hyper tech armor that allow them to take a bit more of a punch than Superman is willing to give. Sure he could punch through their chests, but Superman doesn't kill so he pulls his punches, the armor theses thugs where takes a lot of the pulled punches, so combo and counters to break the armor are necessary to crack the armor and take out the enemies.
Power 1 Enemies: Powered Enemies, all Influenced by Superman's Enemies, and Altered via different methods. These are Enemies who can punch Superman and Hurt him, like the way the average Thug hitting Batman can really hurt him. Since their are Five Main Intergang Bosses at war, their are Five Variations of the Power 1 Enemies:
Parasite Thugs - These guys drain Superman's Energy, but can easily get overfed and destroy themselves when absorbing too much power. They can Damage Superman and Superman has to use inventive means to stop them.
Metallo Thugs - Not Robots, but Humans with mechanical enhancements and Kryptonite Hearts. They're only level 1 so they're an average threat of Metallo's forces.
Livewire Thugs - Enemies who can send a static charge through Superman, damaging but hard to kill Superman unless it's a strong group of them.
Doomsday Thugs - Much like the Bouncers in Arkham Origins, theses are basic thugs, enhanced by Lex Luthor to look similar to Doomsday and are all force. You can't counter their attacks, only Dodge them. Best way to take them out is to Stun them and Hit a high combo.
Parademons - It's known well that Bruno Mannheim and most of the Intergang Bosses have made deals with Darkseid to stay in Power, Now Bruno has made the ultimate commitment to Darkseid in exchange for the flighted Parademon enemies.
Power 2 Enemies: More Powerful than Power 1 Enemies, these thugs can only be taken down by Medium Combos, they're about as powerful to Superman as the Venom Criminals in Arkham Origins are to Batman. To give them a leg up, these villains have a projectile ability.
Parasite Enemies - Power 2 Parasite Enemies have a limit to how much they can take in but handle it very well. They Don't explode, so the best way to beat them is to get them to their limit and expose their openings for attacks, once they hit full power they take damage and can be frozen.
Metallo Enemies - Larger and more powerful versions of the Power 1 Enemies. These versions are able to launch projectiles to really change things up among power levels.
Livewire Enemies - More powerful electrical-themed Villains powerful enough to Knock Superman down.
Doomsday Enemies - Able to shoot out Bone-shards, These thugs can cut and bruise Superman. Causing some serious damage.
Lashina Enemies - Lead by the Femme Furry Lashina, these are female power-housed parademons that use crackling Whips that can pull Superman down and hold their own against him.
Power 3 Enemies: Sub-bosses, One under the Big boss Battles. Theses are closer to Insane Criminals, who can only be controlled by their intended bosses. These are the equivilant to the Titan sub-bosses in the Arkham series.
Parasite Sub-Boss - Like Parasite they're monsters, Unstable and unable to control the surge and need for Power they're, highly dangerous and take some quick thinking in game to beat them.
Metallo Sub-Boss - Large Machined Hunks of insanity. An Enemy with all the resource of Metallo, some of them improperly used. It's there a player would need to expose an advantage to attack and take them down.
Livewire Sub-Boss - An ticking bomb of Electricity. Able to kill Superman, these thugs are constantly surging and need to be stunned before you can attack them.
Doomsday Sub-Boss - Mindless killing machines who's primary means of attack is a powerful rush and throwing enemies at Superman, Superman can use them to his advantage when faced with large groups of thugs and allows him to rest while tricking something else into attack the enemies. They carry a powerful Punch.
The Steppenwolf Parademons Sub-Boss - Lead by General Steppenwolf, These parademons are more intelligent and pose more of a threat than other mindless parademons as they have combat training and can counter Some of Superman's attacks unless stunned.
Boss Enemies: Boss characters that Superman Must face to beat the game. These are the toughest enemies and the most damaging opponents. Where Applicable boss Battles are divided into 3- Parts. Others might be divided into more parts, causing the fight to really get an edge of your seat reaction.
Atomic Skull - Joseph Martin's superhuman powers manifested after exposure to the Dominators' gene-bomb, the film buff began to hallucinate that he was a 1930s movie hero called the Atomic Skull and that Superman was his nemesis.
Steppenwolf - Steppenwolf is one of Apokolips' most higest-ranking generals, and an uncle and mentor to Darkseid. To beat Steppenwolf the best strategy is to out match him. Given Superman's dedication to all things Kryptonian this allows Superman to flex some of his Alien Martial Arts while also using some teachings from Batman.
Lashina - Lashina is raised a warrior in Granny Goodness' orphanage, and takes over leadership of the Female Furies when Big Barda leaves Apokolips for Earth. Though the Furies go to Earth to aid Big Barda and her lover, Mister Miracle,they soon return to Apokolips to take their punishment for their betrayal of Darkseid. Lashina is then given leadership over the Female Furies by Darkseid, much to Bernadeth's annoyance.
Kalibak - Son of Darkseid and the most vicious Soldier, While Darkseid doesn't make an appearance, his Son is a main threat of the game, while Bruno exits Metropolis to be protected by Darkseid on Apokolips.
Bruno Mannheim - Vicious Co-Figure-Head of Intergang, In charge of Racketeering and Arms Deals.
John Corben/Metallo - Like Mannheim he is a figurehead of the Intergang involved in the murder-section of Intergang involving taking hired contracts and Keeping others inline with Intergang's process. The Kryptonite Fueled Android, he's a monster who can hit Superman with Focused Kryptonite blasts, where Player's point of attack.
Leslie Willis/Livewire - A Femme Fatal who can control and manipulate Electricity, she has risen through the ranks of Intergang and become one of the most vicious Enemies Superman has faced. The Figurehead of Intergang in control of the drug trade. With a new Synthetic Drug, co-developed by Lex Luthor's crew, making Massive waves, Livewire has been affecting all sorts of different marks.
Rudy Jones/Parasite - The vicious monster who can drain Superman's Power, a Serious threat. Intergang's Human Trafficker, in control of the bodies that go through Metropolis for prostitution, with a number of Bodies kicked up to Parasite for him to feed.
Lex Luthor: Dangerous by himself in the Exo-Suit Lex Luthor in a desperate attempt to out-muscle and out Smart Superman, Injects himself with the Doomsday Virus to enhance himself, that matched with The Exo-Suit make him one of the most Dangerous Bosses in the game. In control of all of Intergang's Money via Laundering it through his numerous companies, and assisting Mannheim in the Arms trade Lex holds the most control out of the group, but is still One of Five figurehead bosses.
Mxyzptlk - The Rogue Supreme evil from the 5th Dimension, who in mind-bending levels puts Superman to all the tests only to see Superman stand his ground and never let his moral compass shake. In Scarecrow and Mad Hatter Like Warped reality levels, Superman Finds himself battling all manners of insanity in Mxyzptlk's attempt to make Superman like him, a wrathful god. This culminates in a large Boss Battle that would reveal the Man behind this all, was Mxyzptlk, bringing his villainy to a whole new level.
Gameplay: Much
like the Arkham series, An open world action adventure game with stealth
tactics. Presented in a 3rd person scope, allowing the players to see
Superman and the environment he is in. With the entire city of
Metropolis open to the players, the only boundaries are it's borders.
Stealth - Superman can sneak up on enemies using a stealth-variation of the characters trademarked super speed. Allowing for sneak attacks and quick take downs. Superman can also use his powers for quick and occasionally silent takedowns.
Flying - While Flying Superman can swoop down and accend beyond skyscrapers in beauty as players can enjoy his trademarked flight. It can increase naturally or be sped up by another button.
"Chapter One" - Clark and Lois receive the anonymous tip to check out an "Unlisted Lexcorp Warehouse", A stealth mission, where players as Clark investigate the warehouse, trying not to be discovered. Covering the ground of 3 large buildings in multiple rooms. Looking for evidence of Intergang's leaders - showcases Metallo executing a Parasite Minion for ripping his boys off. This conflict leads to Superman approaching and confronting Metallo, Saving the thug only to get information about an oncoming war Among Intergang Members.
"Chapter Two" - Superman has to track down Bruno Mannheim, who is the easiest Intergang Figureheads to track down. Located at Mannheim's club "Moxxy". Uncovering an underground casino, Mannheim escapes the clutches of Superman via Motherbox to Apokolips. - Cutscenes Show Mannheim consulting with Kalibak, referencing Darkseid and him having a deal to help Control all Crime in order to help Turn the Earth over to Darkseid. Kalibak agrees to help, assisting by giving Mannheim a horde of Parademons.
"Chapter Three" - Setting has changed in Metropolis, Parademons rove the streets in secret watching out for Superman. Superman, with No lead to Mannheim, Superman has to confront Luthor on the Warehouse. Superman has to systematically go through a Lexcorp Factory, facing different stages of Enemies. Getting knocked out towards the end. Lex has kidnapped Superman, with a golden Opportunity to kill Superman, Lex relinquishes as he needs Superman's Help taking down other Intergang members in order for he Himself to gain control, Superman refuses while Lex points out Superman will whether he wants to or not.
"Chapter Four" - Superman wakes up, a clue from the same source that dropped the tip on the warehouse on where to Find Parasite. Pointing out Parasite has been controlling the organizations Illegal Sex trade {with Parasite getting some on the side to feed}. Superman has to enter and investigate 3 Different Cargo liners to Find Parasite confronting the New array of Thugs. Parasite Escapes, almost as Usual. Thanks to the help of Atomic Skull. In a glorious Boss Battle Superman has to take down Atomic Skull, who squeals that Parasite is seeing Livewire on the Side.
"Chapter Five" - Superman has to investigate Livewire's Whereabouts. Players take control of Clark, as they search the city for different leads, finding out where Livewire is With Lois Lane's guidance.
"Chapter Six" - Superman speaks with Luthor, on the Livewire drug. Lex explains she had forced Scientist to create it, and give Superman a List of different scientist who know how to cure the addiction. Superman has to go confront the Several different Drug dens and force the Scientist to create an anti-addictive property to help the people addicted to Livewire. Finding Livewire's Domain at an underground domain. Livewire Reveals she hasn't seen Parasite, Superman battles and takes her down.
"Chapter Seven" - Parasite thugs begin causing mass panic along all manner of Livewire thugs, causing several super-riots. Superman has to stop each one of them before being told Parasite's Location at a Hydro-electric plant Where Superman Battles Parasite.
"Chapter Eight" - Parasite and Livewire Down, Superman is tipped off by the mysterious source once again as to where Mannheim's Parademon Army will Attack allowing Superman finds a way to track him down at an abandon Dominatrix Club "Lashina" A multi-layered Club where Superman Battles Parademons, Lashina and Trained Furries, and Finally Steppenwolf. After defeating Steppenwolf Superman demands Mannheim turned over in his Custody - Kalibak attacks Superman in a Boss Battle. With Superman victorious, Kalibak retreats back into the Motherbox to Apokolips and the trail for Mannheim is officially cold.
"Chapter Nine" - The Intergang war grows fiercer, only two sides remain: Metallo and Lex Luthor, with the forces left behind from Livewire and Parasite's forces having to join Metallor or Lex Luthor. Together the Forces start riots and shoot outs in Crime-In-Progress sub-missions. Superman has to battle out the Metallo faction, hitting different Clubs and Factories before finding Metallo's Lair at a Scrapyard. There Superman Battles through and takes on Metallo in a Boss Battle. Finding a Clue, this time With Lex's Name on it Superman Deduces that Lex had orchestrated the entire Plot to take control of all Intergang activity.
"Chapter Ten" - Superman Seiges at all Lexcorp affiliated buidlings, tearing down Lex's Criminal empire before confronting him at Lexcorp. Facing Lex and his Monsterous Doomsday Thugs Superman battles them to a glorious fight that leads to the top of the Lexcorp Building. The Full boss Battle comes in 2-Parts Where Superman Battles Lex in the Armor and Lex, injected with the Doomsday Virus and the Armor. Beating Lex and Causing a violent Chain reaction That tears Lex Apart. Time Freezes!
"Chapter Eleven" - Mxyzptlk comes forward, having applauded Superman for having saved Lex at the end of all this. He comes forth as having been the inspiration for all this chaos and having tipped Superman off at every end to see if Superman would kill them for being evil, or see enough good to let them live. This culminates in a Super-Epic Boss battle Between Superman and Mxyzptlk.
Side Quests: Most, if Not all Side Quest have some sort of Connection to the Daily Planet. From Cold Cases connected to Super Villains, Murder, or Continuing Stories that Lane, Kent, and Olsen would be working on. Such Missions might Include Supervillains. Mxyzptlk is a character all but built for Side Missions. In insane levels bending Superman's Reality, and even taking away his powers in some hypnotically crazy levels. This would allow an element of flare for the game.
"Side Quest 1" - A Document in Metallo's Warehouse leads to a murder, committed by Bruno Manheim, who asked for Metallo to cover it up. With the assistance of some of Metallo's thugs, the body was hidden in mysterious locations. You have to go through a gauntlet of different thugs that have helped dispose of the body so Kent and the Police can pin the Murder on Manheim pending a proper autopsy.
"Side Quest 2" - Mxyzptlk teases Superman with delicate knowledge of the Intergang war, inbetween levels, pending Superman can Solve various puzzles. Leaving only clues as to the true intentions of the war and what is happening.
"Side Quest 3" - Parasite is running a slave trade out of Metropolis Bay, Superman has to find it and rescue the women who've been enslaved by this faction of the Organization, cutting Parasite from a constant "food" supply.
"Side Quest 4" - Luthor is using underhanded resources to build next gen weaponry and sell it on the Black Market. Making a mint from illegal arms deals, Superman has to try and find evidence of this and stop Luthor's general, Mercy Graves.
"Side Quest 5" - Livewire's drug distribution is gaining momentum with a new Drug named after the villain, causing death, homocidal outrages, and various other dangerious Side effects, Superman would have to find a number of distributors, suppliers, then finally attack the building where it's made and destroy the recipe.
Metropolis Landmarks: Areas of the Game that signify that this is certainly Metropolis, and not any other average Superman game.
Daily Planet - Clark's Workplace, a center for attention among the Story as the reporters there are dedicated to getting the truth, whether it means life or death.
Clark and Lois' Apartment - Superman's Home, Where he uses investigative skills as a reporter to connect the web of violence Intergang has caused. Also an area were players could change any bonus costumes.
STAR Labs - A Resourceful scientific reserve that assists Superman with basic Upgrades including enhanced armor to help Superman against enemy attacks and assist Superman in Honing his abilities and learn some creative uses for them.
Lexcorp - Lex Luthors infamous company, where Superman and Lex Have Many antagonizing Meetings, perhaps in game There would be moments where Superman Could Visit and talk to Lex as he stands in his Office.
Supporting Characters: The Main Group of Protagonist Players would be Likely to Interact with.
Clark Kent/Superman - Main character of the game, the Last Son of Krypton. With a Multitude of Powers, Players take control of Superman to stop the Intergang Civil War. On a power scale of the same level as Clark was at the beginning of the New 52 Action Comics Arc, The Superman Animated Series and the John Byrne Man of Steel Reboot in the 1980's.
Lois Lane - Superman is a man of many friends, and certainly Lois Lane would Classically become a very famous Damsel in distress, but when kidnapped and featured in Boss Battles, she would serve as a guide or as a helping handing setting up the proper conditions for Superman to defeat the Enemies. while also investigating various parts of the city and talking to Superman, either directly or through a cell phone {maybe located on Superman's Belt.}
Jimmy Olsen - While Jimmy and His Signal watch would be a way to send the player to the proper Level, when activated, similar to how the Bat-Signal operates for Batman in the Arkham games.
Perry White - Clark's Boss, a figure of advice when Superman comes as Clark. Always one for Concern and to motivate Clark, maybe hint that he knows Clark is Superman.
Dan Turpin - Officer of the MPD, He's the detective Superman contacts to arrest Enemies.
Dr. Emil Hamilton - Emil is the premier scientist at Star Labs, He assists Superman in missions giving him advice on how to defeat certain enemies and what Superman might need to look for.
Enemies: Superman is a nigh-Invulnerable character. We're taking that image and changing it, he's a more human character than most would honestly give credit for. He is going back to the Power scale set for him in both the Animated Series and The John Byrne Man of Steel run. With that In mind it's Understood Superman is Powerful, so while the scale of Power is getting cut back, Enemies are being upgraded so that they pose a threat to Superman. For the Enemies there are going to be 5 Enemy Levels:
Standard: Intergang Thugs, and basic thugs. Their are four sub-classes of the basic enemies:
Shielded Enemies - Enemies who carry various objects to shield them from enemy fire, and attacks, most of them have hyper-technological shields, mostly designed of some type of raw energy at a highly fatal to normal people when hit with a direct charge. Dangerous to Superman at a direct charge or rush. Blunt
Weapon Enemies - Enemies who carry energy rods, lead pipes, or other basic hand held weapons that cause damage. Knife's Lead pipes will break against Superman, While energy rods will stun him and leave him open for attack for a very brief moment and will cause minute health damage.
Projectile Weaponry Enemies - Enemies who carry Kryptonite rounds, that can really hurt or even kill Superman. Most are scatter-shots unless at Point-Blank range. Distance is the best policy, but being that the guns carrying the rounds are lead lined, it allows Superman to get in close to attack them, but it's going to take more than one hit to hurt him, as the faint traces of Kryptonite bring his power down a bit. Still highly dangerous.
Armored Thugs - Thugs with Alien tech or Hyper tech armor that allow them to take a bit more of a punch than Superman is willing to give. Sure he could punch through their chests, but Superman doesn't kill so he pulls his punches, the armor theses thugs where takes a lot of the pulled punches, so combo and counters to break the armor are necessary to crack the armor and take out the enemies.
Power 1 Enemies: Powered Enemies, all Influenced by Superman's Enemies, and Altered via different methods. These are Enemies who can punch Superman and Hurt him, like the way the average Thug hitting Batman can really hurt him. Since their are Five Main Intergang Bosses at war, their are Five Variations of the Power 1 Enemies:
Parasite Thugs - These guys drain Superman's Energy, but can easily get overfed and destroy themselves when absorbing too much power. They can Damage Superman and Superman has to use inventive means to stop them.
Metallo Thugs - Not Robots, but Humans with mechanical enhancements and Kryptonite Hearts. They're only level 1 so they're an average threat of Metallo's forces.
Livewire Thugs - Enemies who can send a static charge through Superman, damaging but hard to kill Superman unless it's a strong group of them.
Doomsday Thugs - Much like the Bouncers in Arkham Origins, theses are basic thugs, enhanced by Lex Luthor to look similar to Doomsday and are all force. You can't counter their attacks, only Dodge them. Best way to take them out is to Stun them and Hit a high combo.
Parademons - It's known well that Bruno Mannheim and most of the Intergang Bosses have made deals with Darkseid to stay in Power, Now Bruno has made the ultimate commitment to Darkseid in exchange for the flighted Parademon enemies.
Power 2 Enemies: More Powerful than Power 1 Enemies, these thugs can only be taken down by Medium Combos, they're about as powerful to Superman as the Venom Criminals in Arkham Origins are to Batman. To give them a leg up, these villains have a projectile ability.
Parasite Enemies - Power 2 Parasite Enemies have a limit to how much they can take in but handle it very well. They Don't explode, so the best way to beat them is to get them to their limit and expose their openings for attacks, once they hit full power they take damage and can be frozen.
Metallo Enemies - Larger and more powerful versions of the Power 1 Enemies. These versions are able to launch projectiles to really change things up among power levels.
Livewire Enemies - More powerful electrical-themed Villains powerful enough to Knock Superman down.
Doomsday Enemies - Able to shoot out Bone-shards, These thugs can cut and bruise Superman. Causing some serious damage.
Lashina Enemies - Lead by the Femme Furry Lashina, these are female power-housed parademons that use crackling Whips that can pull Superman down and hold their own against him.
Power 3 Enemies: Sub-bosses, One under the Big boss Battles. Theses are closer to Insane Criminals, who can only be controlled by their intended bosses. These are the equivilant to the Titan sub-bosses in the Arkham series.
Parasite Sub-Boss - Like Parasite they're monsters, Unstable and unable to control the surge and need for Power they're, highly dangerous and take some quick thinking in game to beat them.
Metallo Sub-Boss - Large Machined Hunks of insanity. An Enemy with all the resource of Metallo, some of them improperly used. It's there a player would need to expose an advantage to attack and take them down.
Livewire Sub-Boss - An ticking bomb of Electricity. Able to kill Superman, these thugs are constantly surging and need to be stunned before you can attack them.
Doomsday Sub-Boss - Mindless killing machines who's primary means of attack is a powerful rush and throwing enemies at Superman, Superman can use them to his advantage when faced with large groups of thugs and allows him to rest while tricking something else into attack the enemies. They carry a powerful Punch.
The Steppenwolf Parademons Sub-Boss - Lead by General Steppenwolf, These parademons are more intelligent and pose more of a threat than other mindless parademons as they have combat training and can counter Some of Superman's attacks unless stunned.
Boss Enemies: Boss characters that Superman Must face to beat the game. These are the toughest enemies and the most damaging opponents. Where Applicable boss Battles are divided into 3- Parts. Others might be divided into more parts, causing the fight to really get an edge of your seat reaction.
Atomic Skull - Joseph Martin's superhuman powers manifested after exposure to the Dominators' gene-bomb, the film buff began to hallucinate that he was a 1930s movie hero called the Atomic Skull and that Superman was his nemesis.
Steppenwolf - Steppenwolf is one of Apokolips' most higest-ranking generals, and an uncle and mentor to Darkseid. To beat Steppenwolf the best strategy is to out match him. Given Superman's dedication to all things Kryptonian this allows Superman to flex some of his Alien Martial Arts while also using some teachings from Batman.
Lashina - Lashina is raised a warrior in Granny Goodness' orphanage, and takes over leadership of the Female Furies when Big Barda leaves Apokolips for Earth. Though the Furies go to Earth to aid Big Barda and her lover, Mister Miracle,they soon return to Apokolips to take their punishment for their betrayal of Darkseid. Lashina is then given leadership over the Female Furies by Darkseid, much to Bernadeth's annoyance.
Kalibak - Son of Darkseid and the most vicious Soldier, While Darkseid doesn't make an appearance, his Son is a main threat of the game, while Bruno exits Metropolis to be protected by Darkseid on Apokolips.
Bruno Mannheim - Vicious Co-Figure-Head of Intergang, In charge of Racketeering and Arms Deals.
John Corben/Metallo - Like Mannheim he is a figurehead of the Intergang involved in the murder-section of Intergang involving taking hired contracts and Keeping others inline with Intergang's process. The Kryptonite Fueled Android, he's a monster who can hit Superman with Focused Kryptonite blasts, where Player's point of attack.
Leslie Willis/Livewire - A Femme Fatal who can control and manipulate Electricity, she has risen through the ranks of Intergang and become one of the most vicious Enemies Superman has faced. The Figurehead of Intergang in control of the drug trade. With a new Synthetic Drug, co-developed by Lex Luthor's crew, making Massive waves, Livewire has been affecting all sorts of different marks.
Rudy Jones/Parasite - The vicious monster who can drain Superman's Power, a Serious threat. Intergang's Human Trafficker, in control of the bodies that go through Metropolis for prostitution, with a number of Bodies kicked up to Parasite for him to feed.
Lex Luthor: Dangerous by himself in the Exo-Suit Lex Luthor in a desperate attempt to out-muscle and out Smart Superman, Injects himself with the Doomsday Virus to enhance himself, that matched with The Exo-Suit make him one of the most Dangerous Bosses in the game. In control of all of Intergang's Money via Laundering it through his numerous companies, and assisting Mannheim in the Arms trade Lex holds the most control out of the group, but is still One of Five figurehead bosses.
Mxyzptlk - The Rogue Supreme evil from the 5th Dimension, who in mind-bending levels puts Superman to all the tests only to see Superman stand his ground and never let his moral compass shake. In Scarecrow and Mad Hatter Like Warped reality levels, Superman Finds himself battling all manners of insanity in Mxyzptlk's attempt to make Superman like him, a wrathful god. This culminates in a large Boss Battle that would reveal the Man behind this all, was Mxyzptlk, bringing his villainy to a whole new level.
Stealth - Superman can sneak up on enemies using a stealth-variation of the characters trademarked super speed. Allowing for sneak attacks and quick take downs. Superman can also use his powers for quick and occasionally silent takedowns.
Flying - While Flying Superman can swoop down and accend beyond skyscrapers in beauty as players can enjoy his trademarked flight. It can increase naturally or be sped up by another button.
Super Senses/Sensory Mode - As Superman, players would have "Super Senses" Available, allowing Superman to view things in X-Ray vision, Accessible infrared Vision, except through lead materials. The X-Ray Vision gives players the ability to see what enemies your facing and what weapons they're carrying. Included in the Super Senses is Super Hearing allowing for Superman Listen for trouble or clues from enemies where he can continue on. For missions where you might have to track players that where taken, in this mode, Superman could "Smell them out" by noticeable pheromones, or using his vision to catch an odd heat signature via infrared vision.
Combat - The Combat for Superman is, like The Arkham Series, a Free Flow Combat system, where Superman can gracefully and at miraculous speed tackle a horde of enemies. With Combative enemies, the combat will be fully interactive for Superman, as an opponents battle it out in Metropolis and inside of the various locations where Superman will explore and investigate the war hitting metropolis.
Powers - Superman's vast array of Super Powers accessible to Players for combat or exploratory means.
"Heat Vision" - Allows Superman to damage enemies, with Upgrades available to help teach Superman hit enemies in Burst, Finite blasts aimed, to take enemies down in a quick takedown, and to weld metallic Objects where applicable.
"Super Breath" - A blunt force that can knock enemies back, upgradeable with ability to inhale, pulling enemies to Superman, while also disorientating them.Upgradeable to either blow Weapons only away or for Superman in use in focused breaths to pull Weapons from Enemy hands.
"Freeze Breath" - For situations where you might not be able to have direct contact with an enemy this puts a shield between Superman and the Enemy for a safe attack, or to Hold them in place while Superman attacks them. Upgradeable to cover an entire room of enemies or to focus on small points or to defuse bombs {similar to how liquid nitrogen is used to help defuse bombs.} Small focused burst might tackle enemies down while slower burst might lower the temperature of a room, making enemies uncomfortable.
"Super Insight" - This is a view in which Superman can access Computer programs or hack devices to gain entry without players having to announce their presence or in stealth levels where players could play as Clark Kent.
Upgrades - Upgrades are Available to pad Superman and his uniform against the highly damaging enemies, And help him learn new uses or finite the uses he has for his Powers.
Control Scheme: Basic format in which Players use to play the game.
Simple Controls - Basic what's what, action controls.
Directional Pad - The Directional Pad is the area where a player can choose which of Superman's Powers To use.
Bumpers - Back buttons atop the controller. Left Front Bumper - Activates Sensory Mode. Left Back Bumper - Co-Activates {With Directional Pad} Quick Power for Combat Mode. Right Front Bumper - Rapid Dash that Allows Characters to Boost and break enemy combos. It also allows for Increased Speed during Flight. Right Back Bumper - Co-Activates Flight {Along the Interactive Button}
Triggers - Movement Controls. Left Trigger - Character Movement. Right Trigger - Camera Movement.
Action Controls - Triangle/Y - Counter Attack Control. Square/X - Basic Light and Heavy Strike Buttons. Circle/B - Stun button to momentarily disorientate enemies and open up for chained attacks. "X"/A - Basic Interaction button, Allows Superman to interact with different people and Objects and Co-Activates Flight {Along with Right Back Bumper.}
Bonus: Alternative Content to enhance the game.
Notes from Lane Character Profiles and Information collected by Lois Lane, over the many adventures of Superman.
Daily Planet Headlines Chronicles of different stories that have affected The Status Que of Metropolis. Stories might include the Rise of Lexcorp, The Dawn of Superman.
Mxyzptlk's Test In place of Riddler Trophies, Mxyzptlk has set a series of challenges and Games for Superman to pass through.
Alternate Skins: Alternative Skins for players amusement.
All Star Superman - Costume featured in the Grant Morrison Comic Book "All Star Superman" Designed by Frank Quietly.
Superman The Movie - Suit designed after the Suit worn by Christopher Reeve in the First Superman Movie.
New 52 - Superman's New 52 Suit designed by Jim Lee.
Man of Steel - Suit Worn by Henry Cavill in The Man of Steel.
New 52 Man of Steel - Suit Designed for a short lived New 52 Man of Steel Comic.
Smallville Superman - Suit worn by Superman in the Smallville Season 11 Comic Book.
Kingdom Come - Superman's Uniform as displayed in The Kingdom Come Costume as Designed by Alex Ross.

Zachary Quinto [Notable Works {As A Voice Actor}: Star Trek The Video Game, 24 The Video Game, Code Blue {Video Game}]: Zachary Quinto is a strong and well diverse actor. He does such wonderful work that he would absolutely be perfect for Superman. I was absolutely shocked that he has done such wonderful work and has done a surprising amount of Video Game voice over work. I think the role of Superman would absolutely appeal to him. It's a character that represents Good, Honesty, Acceptance. And I think that makes him a positive role model for all citizens. He's got an intelligent, strong, and commanding voice that would fit both Clark Kent and Superman.
Lois Lane [Height: 5' 7", Age: 30's]: Lois Lane is a Pulitzer-prize winning investigative journalist employed at the Daily Planet, alongside fellow reporter Clark Kent, photographer Jimmy Olsen and the Daily Planet editor-in-chief Perry White. Raised in the military as daughter of General Sam Lane, she is more than capable of handling herself in almost any situation. Her sister is flight attendant and later military officer Lucy Lane. She is the long-time romantic interest to and eventually wife of Superman
Jennifer Carpenter [Notable Works {As A Voice Actor}: The Evil Within {Video Game}, Avengers Confidential: Black Widow & Punisher {Animated Movie}, Pound Puppies]: Jennifer Carpenter is such a lovely actress and with her recent delving into Voice Acting she has done such wonderful work as an actress that this role just fits for her. She would be perfect for the role.
Jimmy Olsen [Height: 5' 7", Age: Late 20's-Early 30's]:Jimmy Olsen is a photographer and reporter working for the Daily Planet in Metropolis alongside Clark Kent and Lois Lane underneath chief-editor Perry White. He is most well known as being a close personal friend to Superman, and has a signal watch to call him for help at any time.
Sean Astin [Notable Works {As A Voice Actor}: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles {2012 Cartoon}, Justice League War, Special Agent Oso]: Sean Astin is a wonderful actor and appears to be a Massive Nerd. He does wonderful work in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and could do an absolutely wonderful work as A revamped Jimmy Olsen.
Perry White [Height: 5' 10", Age: 50's]: Perry White is a highly respected journalist working as managing editor of the Daily Planet in Metropolis, making him a close associate of Jimmy Olsen, Lois Lane, Clark Kent and by extension Superman.
Steven Blum [Notable Works {As A Voice Actor}: Batman Arkham Origins, Transformers Prime, Justice League Flashpoint Paradox]: Steven Blum is a wonderful actor. He's got a deep voice and has been able to bend his voice around so many different ways that it becomes unique. He would certainly grasp the age and experience that comes with Perry White.
Dan Turpin [Height: 5' 10", Age: 50's]: Dan "Terrible" Turpin, also known as Brooklyn, is the toughest police officer in Metropolis and a frequent ally of Superman. a member of the Metropolis Special Crimes Unit dealing with superhuman threats, where he would work closely alongside his long-time partner Maggie Sawyer.
Michael Gough [Notable Works {As A Voice Actor}: The Punisher {Video Game}, Batman Arkham Origins, Diablo 3]: Michael Gough is a wonderful actor. He did well in Batman Arkham Origins as James Gordon and I loved his Take on Martin Soap in the Punisher.
Dr. Emil Hamilton [Height: 6' 0", Age: 50's-60's]: Professor Emil Hamilton is a former employee of S.T.A.R. Labs and the US Government, it transpired he had been driven insane when all his research was bought up by Lex Luthor, who took credit for the inventions. He was placed in a mental health facility and responded well to treatment. On his release, he set up a laboratory in Suicide Slum and quickly became Superman's "scientific adviser", eking out a general living as a technical consultant.
Phil Morris [Notable Works {As A Voice Actor}: Green Lantern The Animated Series, Batman The Brave and the Bold, Justice League The New Frontier]: Phil has done amazing work, and while I understand he is a Black actor, he did voice King Faraday in Justice League The New Frontier and Faraday is a white character. He is a smart actor and would do such wonderful work as Emil Hamilton.
Joseph Martin/Atomic Skull [Height: 6' 0", Age: 40's]: Joseph Martin's superhuman powers manifested after exposure to the Dominators' gene-bomb, the film buff began to hallucinate that he was a 1930s movie hero called the Atomic Skull and that Superman was his nemesis.
John DiMaggio [Notable Works {As A Voice Actor}: Batman Under The Red Hood, Futurama, All Star Superman]: I've been seriously surprised at the massive range John has. He did a massively impressive job as the Ultra Sphinx in All Star Superman, but his take on Samson also fit so well for this type of character.
Steppenwolf [Height: 6' 0", Age N/A]: Steppenwolf is one of Apokolips' most higest-ranking generals, and an uncle and mentor to Darkseid.
Lance Reddick [Notable Works {As A Voice Actor}: Destiny, Beware The Batman, TRON Uprising]: Lance's work as a actor in every angle is just intimidating and wonderful. He's got a voice of nobility and can certainly gravitate the tones that Steppenwolf holds.
Lashina [Height: 6' 6", Age: 30's]: Lashina is raised a warrior in Granny Goodness' orphanage, and takes over leadership of the Female Furies when Big Barda leaves Apokolips for Earth. Though the Furies go to Earth to aid Big Barda and her lover, Mister Miracle,they soon return to Apokolips to take their punishment for their betrayal of Darkseid. Lashina is then given leadership over the Female Furies by Darkseid, much to Bernadeth's annoyance.
Gina Torress [Notable Works {As A Voice Actor}: Destiny, Justice League, The Matrix Online]: A strong actress who's voice radiates such power and destruction. I think she would be good to take such a powerful female villain and make her intimidating.
Kalibak [Height: 7' 9", Age: N/A]: Son of Darkseid and the most vicious Soldier, While Darkseid doesn't make an appearance, his Son is a main threat of the game, while Bruno exits Metropolis to be protected by Darkseid on Apokolips.
Kevin Michael Richards [Notable Works {As A Voice Actor}: Superman Shadow of Apokolips, Green Lantern The Animated Series, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles {2012 Cartoon}]: He's got such a Dark Voice and can switch from such despair to such happiness. He could absolutely rock this role.
Bruno Mannheim [Height: N/A, Age: N/A]: Vicious Co-Figure-Head of Intergang, In charge of Racketeering and Arms Deals. Bruno "Ugly" Mannheim is one of the world's greatest crime bosses and the leader of Intergang, making him an antagonist to Superman. His father is former leader Boss Moxie. Beyond his motivations as a ruthless thug, Mannheim is a devout worshiper of the Religion of Crime and their Crime Bible. This makes him a loyal servant to Darkseid.
Nolan North [Notable Works {As A Voice Actor}: Uncharted {Game Franchise} Batman Arkham Series, Titanfall ]: Nolan does tons of wonderful work. He's probably one of the best known voice actors in the video game medium. His work as Both Penguin and Black Mask in Arkham City would be perfect for Bruno Mannheim.
John Corben/Metallo[Height: 6' 5", Age: N/A]: Like Mannheim he is a figurehead of the Intergang involved in the murder-section of Intergang involving taking hired contracts and Keeping others inline with Intergang's process. The Kryptonite Fueled Android, he is a monster who can hit Superman with Focused Kryptonite blasts.
James Marsters [Notable Works {As A Voice Actor}: DC Universe Online, Superman Doomsday, Star Wars Clone Wars]: James has done a lot of work with the DC Universe. He's played Lex Luthor numerous times and would be absolutely perfect. He's played immoral monsters in various forms and I think Metallo is a fitting role for him as a voice actor.
Leslie Willis/Livewire [Height: N.A, Age: N/A]: A Femme Fatal who can control and manipulate Electricity, she has risen through the ranks of Intergang and become one of the most vicious Enemies Superman has faced. The Figurehead of Intergang in control of the drug trade. With a new Synthetic Drug, co-developed by Lex Luthor''s crew, making Massive waves, Livewire has been affecting all sorts of different marks.
Tara Strong [Notable Works {As A Voice Actor}: The Fairly Odd Parents, Beware The Batman, Batman Arkham Series]: Tara is a wonderful voice actress. She has done amazing work on Arkham City, she seamlessly fit as Harley Quinn. She has the energetic qualities it takes to really play a villain.
Rudy Jones/Parasite [Height: 6' 6", Age: N/A]: The vicious monster who can drain Superman's Power, a Serious threat. Intergang's Human Trafficker, in control of the bodies that go through Metropolis for prostitution, with a number of Bodies kicked up to Parasite for him to feed.
Dee Bradley Baker [Notable Works {As A Voice Actor}: American Dad!, Son of Batman, Adventure Time]: Dee Bradley is one of the most versatile Voice Actors in the medium of Voice Acting. He would absolutely be perfect to become Parasite.
Lex Luthor [Height: 6' 2", Age: 40's]: One of the most dangerously intelligent men on the planet- a super-villain, a brilliant scientist, a billionaire industrialist, and Superman's greatest enemy. This combination makes him an extremely powerful and formidable opponent; he is ruthless, efficient and creative. In addition to his personal vendetta against the man who thwarts his every scheme, he despises the alien Man of Steel from an ideological standpoint for contradicting his human achievements. He has always been a controversial figure in the public eye due to LexCorp's corrupt business dealings, but he has also maintained political popularity. In control of all of Intergang's Money via Laundering it through his numerous companies, and assisting Mannheim in the Arms trade Lex holds the most control out of the group, but is still One of Five figurehead bosses.
William Fichtner [Notable Works {As A Voice Actor}: Turok, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3]: William is a wonderful actor. He's very familiar with the world of Video Game Voice acting. He's got all the right qualities for Luthor. He has a voice of an Intelligent and very villainous man. He would be absolutely perfect for Lex Luthor.
Mxyzptlk [Height: N/A, Age: N/A]: Mister Mxyzptlk is a reality manipulating imp from the 5th Dimension who antagonizes Superman. Not actually evil, he does no long-term damage although he constantly seeks to pester and prove he's smarter than the man of steel. He cannot be made to return to his home dimension until he's tricked into saying his own name backwards "Kltpzyxm." I would love tot ake this character and Loki-Him-Up.
Seth Green [Notable Works {As A Voice Actor}: Family Guy, Mass Effect 3, Titan Maximum]: Seth is a wonderful voice actor of what seems to be limitless range. He's very adept at playing different breads of character and the type of fanboy he is, I'd loved to see him as Mxyzptlk.
ReplyDeleteI would of played the hell out of it if it were real. And Zachary Quinto is an interesting choice to voice Superman.