Saturday, February 13, 2021

How you could Introduce Wolverine into the Marvel Cinematic Universe...

Ever Since the merger between Disney and 20th Century Fox, we've been anticipating how the Marvel Cinematic Universe will introduce the once disregarded properties of The Fantastic Four and X-Men. While we are about to get a Fantastic Four Movie soon-ish, we are waiting to see what the X-Men's future is. Rumors' persist that WandaVision is set to introduce the concept of Evolutionary Mutants into the fold, we still have no idea about the future of the X-Men. While theories circle around how the X-Men will be introduced, I'm aiming to look at a way to introduce Wolverine into the MCU with a bit of a 'bite' to him, helping this version of the character stand out from the very beloved take on the character by modern Screen Icon Hugh Jackman.

Wolverine is one of the most popular Marvel characters. created in the 70's as a government based foe of the Incredible Hulk, Wolverine was left to the sidelines until he was brought into the fold of Giant Size X-Men #1, to help give the team a more international flavor. Since then the character has best existed as a cog in the X-Men wheel, gaining popularity as the gruffest and grittiest member of the X-Men.

Introducing a Wolverine to the MCU has to stand out against the previous efforts by Jackman. To this end they need to alter the perception of the character in a few ways:

Give him a Costume - While LOGAN director James Mangold gave the best argument to keep a costume away from Wolverine, it's something the fans have been clamoring for and if our first sighting of Wolverine in the MCU featured the Iconic mask and costume, it would be a start in the right direction. 

Make him a Villain at First - When introduced to Audiences in 2000's X-Men, Wolverine was a seemingly uncaring jerk who wished more to be left alone than to be part of anything, while secretly harboring a heart of Gold. While Wolverine's first cinematic outing avoided making him a killer. This time they need to introduce him as a force of nature ripping through anyone in his way in pursuit of a goal.  You can make the twist into him really being an Anti-Hero happen rather quickly (and should) an immediate introduction with him in an antagonistic role would be a strong kick start to helping the character be Wolverine and not be Jackman's Wolverine. 

So with those two suggestions the bigger question at large is, "Where should he appear?" Well thankfully there is a new Marvel show debuting soon, featuring a character Wolverine has an antagonistic past with...

(The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Logo - Marvel Studios/Walt Disney Co. - 2021)

With numerous set pics hinting at an appearance or at least a passing reference to the fictional Asian country of Madripoor, as well as Bucky's history as the Winter Soldier, it sets up an opportunity for an antagonistic take on Wolverine. In the comics Bucky's Winter Soldier identity is responsible for the death of Wolverine's wife, Itsu. During such time she was pregnant with the mutant child "Daken", who would later be raised by Romulus.

There exists in this, an opportunity for Marvel to take advantage of. In a Season 2 of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier you could introduce this rage-driven monster, killing almost everyone in his way to try and get to Bucky for his past crimes. Slowly unraveling the mystery locked in Bucky's faded memories. Revealing that the Winter Soldier targeted Itsu due to her relation to an organization tied to both Romulus and Gorgon (not the Inhumans Character). This tragedy set a grieving Wolverine on the path to revenge, allowing audiences to experience the character as a serious threat to a character we've come to care about. This would allow a unique reversal and see Wolverine himself captured and brainwashed into a story that could come off as a loose adaptation of the beloved Wolverine story Enemy of the State

Ending with a relatively clean slate and a freshly introduced Wolverine could lead to a bevy of options for Wolverine's future in the MCU. Be it a Wolverine Series or Film of his own, or jumping to introducing him right into the X-Men. This would be an ideal set up to get Wolverine to a position unlike the one he was introduced in the former X-Men Franchise, and allow a sense of fresh air in bringing the character back so soon to what was a perfect ending for the character. This is how to introduce Wolverine in an way to get the audience invested and witness the character with an element of menace.

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