Wednesday, March 17, 2021

The Boys: Five Ways to Adapt Jack From Jupiter... *Spoilers From the Comic & Season 2*

In Garth Ennis and Derrick Robert's Satirical Superhero Deconstruction, "The Boys", the main Superhero group feature Heroes who are a very obvious parody of DC's Justice League. The Boys' main Superhero team is known as the Seven and the series has seen itself masterfully adapted in Amazon's "The Boys". Despite Amazon's beloved adaptation of the material, there has been on member of the Comic Book incarnation of the Seven that has only been alluded to and referenced... Jack From Jupiter.

Jack being an obvious parody of DC's Martian Manhunter, The Boys' series developer Eric Kripke has shot down an appearance by Jack, wanting to keep it grounded without alluding to Alien origins suggested by Jack's appearance. Kripke is in the right to keep with the grounded approach as it's seen obvious success in adaptation. With that being said, fans still want to see Jack from Jupiter, and consider Kripke's concerns to keep it grounded, I have a few ideas to adapt Jack without breaking the grounded theme of the show. These are my ideas on how to develop Jack from Jupiter for The Boys.

(Jack From Jupiter, Art by The Boys Co-Creator Derrick Roberts)

5. Fake an Alien Arrival - With Vought's desire to hide compound V, they could take a previously small town hero, like Jack and stage a fake Alien Arrival, having Jack come to Earth saying he will be part of the Se7en. His arrival and the mystery he invites would throw the Government and the Boys off Compound V's scent. 

4. The Remains of Stormfront - Renamed Jackie From Jupiter, Vought could use the mutilated Body of Stormfront and turn her into a completely different Supe, with a full on Memory wipe and a new hero identity: Jackie/Jaquline Jupiter.

3. Resurrected Lamplighter - With Lamplighter appearing and killing himself in Season 2, Vought gets ahold of his body leading to no doubt questionable things to happen. Taking the body of Lamplighter and working some Vought Magic to create a brand new superhero, an allowing Shawn Ashmore to make a return in Season 3 of the show. 

2. Jack Jupiter/Jupiter - Introduce a Human, Ironically named Jack Jupiter with the character's overall powerset, and core character, or make the Character a Charismatic Social Media-Whore. Someone who loves the camera and the Publicity as much as Homelander, but puts himself out there embracing the reality T.V. Show built around him.

1. Homelander's Clone - While in the comic The Seven's Black Noir was the Clone of Homelander, this version could see that part get passed over to Jack from Jupiter. Under the name of Jupiter, like Homelander he's the All-American Charismatic Crowd Loving Superhero, who's real name is Jack. Writing him as a direct parrallel to Homelander, giving the character a sense of unease, while also turning him into a melting pot of Other Deceased or Innactive Supes Powers (Mesmir's Telepathic Touch, Translucent's Invisibility, Doppleganger's Shape Shifting, Stormfront's electricity) Bred to be loyal to Vought as well as being a hilarious over serious parody of "Weapon IX" from X-Men Origins Wolverine.

These are the five different ways I'd bring Jack from Jupiter to Amazon's The Boys, each fitting the tone and style that Series Developer Eric Kripke has established on his two, soon to be three, fantastic seasons of the hit t.v. series. 


  1. Weirdly enough, I think Jack from Jupiter made a cameo from one of the pornos that Hughie and Lamplighter watched.

    These are some pretty good ideas on how to adapt Jack from Jupiter, my favorite of which is the Jack Jupiter option, since it be a great way to satirize social media stars and influencers in general.
