Wednesday, February 17, 2021


 When the DCEU began to take shape under Zack Snyder's expansive vision, numerous projects were announced and rumored. When Will Smith signed onto Suicide Squad there was wide speculation that a Deadshot movie wouldn't be far behind. When Justice League began filming and Ben Affleck's The Batman was announced the casting of Joe Manganiello as Deathstroke excited both fans and studio quickly leading to a Deathstroke solo movie announcement. Unfortunately neither Ben Affleck's Batman Movie nor Joe Manganiello's Deathstroke movie went anywhere, and the rumored Deadshot film was just that, a rumor. But with the reinvigoration of the DCEU, thanks in large part to Zack Snyder's Justice League, there comes an opportunity to bring both hard hitting assassins to theaters, maybe even in the same movie. This is my pitch for Deadshot vs Deathstroke.

(SUICIDE SQUAD #11, Deathstroke and Deadshot, Art by Bruno Redondo)

Amanda Waller, head of Checkmate and founder of the Suicide Squad has her own dirty secrets. When her daughter is kidnapped by international assassin Deathstroke, she turns to the only person under her control she can trust: Deadshot. Motivated by his understanding of Waller in her vulnerable state and the promise of early release, Deadshot embarks on a Man of Fire style journey taking out Deathstroke's Gang to try and get Waller's daughter back. Things complicate even further as Deadshot learns that Deathstroke has a son, Jericho Wilson, who's a metahuman who can transfer his consciousness into another body, namely the body of Waller's Daughter kidnapped by Slade Wilson. With Slade seeking to return his son to his rightful body it becomes a war of wills and skills as Deadshot seeks to rescue Waller's daughter. 

It's an action movie the DCEU could do on a lower budget securing an R Rating. With action that could emulate John Wick in an even more stylized context. It's a movie that could stand out among the various Comic Book Films already floating around and could see a gritty twist on Batman V Superman.


  1. Yes, I really like this. If we can get Chad Stahelski and/or Derek Kolstad to write/direct it, that would be awesome .

    1. Either would be perfect, the action would be nothing short of beautiful.
